Goal of the project
The broad goal of SAFEMED+ is to improve the quality of medical education in AM, GE and UA by introducing the medical simulation methods in Medical Curriculum.
Specific goals:
Curricular Reform
Curricular Reform in order to develop CBME (Competency Based Medical Education) concept of CLINICAL LINE.
Clinical Skills Labs
Development of Clinical Skills Labs in Partner Country HEIs (or improvement of existing ones).
Implementation/development of simulation (manikin-based (simulators, manikins, models, etc), human-based (Standardized Patient – SP, Simulated Patient, Hybrid Simulation)
Clinical skills
Development/improvement of Clinical Skills (Competencies) assessment methodology and tools for formative and summative assessment (including Objectively Structured Clinical Exam – OSCE).
CBME principles
Increase the awareness about CBME principles
Reinforcement of public healthcare system
Preparing platform for Clinical Skills Labs Regional Network for distance consultations to assist the reinforcement of public healthcare system.
Curriculum Development Committee
Steering Committee
Quality Assurance Working Team
- Means of Communication to reach Target Groups:
- The network activities linked to lifelong learning.
- Dissemination of the project results through the Ministries of Education in Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine and other governing bodies.
- Participation in the pilot trials and the utilization of the outcomes.
- Project website accessible worldwide
- Internal dissemination events and info days
- Annual Conferences
- Use of medical organizations such as AMSE, AMME, FAIMER, ASPiH to disseminate the activities of the CSLs